Busy Night at Shipston’s Victorian Evening

The 18th Shipston Victorian Evening took place on Friday 4th December in the central streets of Shipston with packed crowds. The event is organised by the Shipston Rotary Club. The event was launched with MC Robin Payne (resplendent in top hat and frock coat) introducing first the Shipston Primary School choir who sang some traditional Christmas carols, before introducing the main guests.

Firstly, Shipston Rotary Club President Christine Cockell lit up the Tree of Life and then Shipston-on-Stour Mayor Jackie Warner, after a countdown organised by Robin Payne, turned on the town Christmas lights.

The Shipston Town Band was also present and played several numbers to the ever-increasing numbers of people in the square.

The final key presentations were for the best shop window in the town and the winner was Rightons the Butchers from Sheep Street. The silver salver was presented by the Town Mayor and Shipston Rotary President to Julia Cook from Rightons the Butchers.

There was a large variety of stalls with raffle tickets available from the Shipston Rotary Club and Shipston Scouts as well as food on offer including a hog roast from Taylors the Butchers and German sausage varieties. For drinks, the North Cotswold Brewery was offered their range of ales including Shagweaver as well as their seasonal ale Winter Solstice.

The Totally Locally Shipston stall was doing a roaring trade, manned by Martin & Jane from the Shipston Therapy Centre, Kate Kirby, and Clare Storey, with the new mugs being snapped up as well as the tea towels and bags.

The Sheldon Bosley stall was offering a human fruit machine with sweets the prizes, with real fruit being picked by Annie Vincent, Tom Mathews, Nadia Amietszajew and Sally Pentreath.

Other stalls available included Dogs for Good, Live On, Littlebird Soaps, Shakespeare Hospice, Shipston Young Farmers (with name that hen), Christians together in Shipston, Stour Valley bacon, Jimmys, Shipston Host families and Shipston First Responders to name a few.

The second hour entertainment had Simon Kemp and his Shout Choir with their powerful and exciting singing of mainly modern songs such as “Mr Blue Sky”, “Alleluia” along with classics from Elbow and Coldplay. They also sang the well-known Christmas carol Hark the Herald Angel Sing. The MC Robin Payne had moved onto his drum kit to accompany the singers.

Simon had kindly supplied the PA system which he was thanked for by Shipston Rotary Club.

The Shipston Rotary Club will now be starting to review the 2015 events and start planning for 2016.

Busy Night at Shipston’s Victorian Evening
WiderView Visual Media, Chris Roberts 5 December 2015
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